So I did not get the chance to share my thoughts on the whole Kings Of Leon and Glee 'beef'. As you all know I am a big Kings Of Leon fan and I did watch Glee's first season but after hearing the comments that Ryan Murphy made about Kings Of Leon I will not watch the show in the future.
So lets start off with how this whole thing started.....
Kings Of Leon were asked if Glee could use their song for one of their episodes.The band declined and stated that they were trying not to over commercialize their music. Ryan Murphy (Glees dumbass co-creator) then decided to completely bash the band during an interview:
"They missed that a seven-year-old kid can see someone close to their age singing a Kings of Leon song, which will maybe make them want to join a glee club or pick up a musical instrument,"
First of all....I never knew that any of the main characters in Glee were aged seven. I'm sure there are many parents around the world that play Kings Of Leon records in front of their children so Murphy's point was invalid.
Second of all the type of people that actually watch Glee aren't Kings Of Leon's target audience, they may be an Only By The Night fan but they're not real fans. Kings Of Leon are a Indie rock band that are already being accused of 'selling out' to the masses, if they were to put their music on a show like Glee they would be slatted, bashed and would probably loose a large majority of their fans. Ryan Murphy called them 'Self centered' but the fact that he did not even consider these factors makes him look like a total tool.
Nathan responded to Murphy's comments on Twitter...
"let it go"
"See a therapist, get a manicure, buy a bra. Zip your lip."
Murphy then accused Nathan of being homophobic
Murphy annoyed me when he indirectly called Nathan homophobic because I doubt that there are gay people that wear bras , you should not stereotype a persons sexuality and then call someone else homophobic. All I have to say is that Glee can Fuck off , the show will begin to get boring and old soon.