Our IDOL OF THE DAY today is Dave Grohl because of the comments he made recently about the hit TV series 'Glee'. Now i really used to like Glee, but after Ryan Murphy (the creator of the show) made idiotic comments about Kings Of Leon because the band did not want the show to use their song 'Use Somebody', i began to dislike the show and i am not the only one. On Chelsea Lately Dave Grohl slammed Glee by saying:
“As a musician, you should be able to say no. You should be able to say, ‘No, I don’t want to do your show,’” Grohl told Chelsea. “Why should you have to say, ‘Okay, Glee. Take my song and turn it into a f—ing musical?’”
We completely agree with Dave. Ryan Murphy has this issue with accepting that his show doesn't just gain rights because of it's popularity, here is a word of advice for you MR MURPHY. Instead of throwing a bitch fit every time a band does not want you to use their song, write your own music and then turn it into a musical and get your head out of your ass, it puts people off watching the bloody show.