One of our favorite bands are playing a gig at the Good Ship in Kilburn (in London) tomorrow ! pop down and have a look, they are a great band.
Want directions ?
Brondesbury - North London Silverlink (1 minute)
Kilburn - Jubilee Line (3 mins)
Kilburn High Road - British Rail (9 mins)
Kilburn Park - Bakerloo Line (11 mins)
Buses: 16, 31, 32, 98, 189, 206, 316, 328, 332 plus night buses N16, N28, N31, N98. All these stop within an 8 minute walk of the venue, most of them right outside.
Hunting Jackson is an incredible band, their music is both tranquil and melodic. Their music sounds similar to the Fleet Foxes, but it contains a lot more soul and passion. They are definitely a band to look out for in the future. Milan was lucky enough to get an interview with them so check out, what happened below.
How did the band first come together?
We’re just two guys writing as many songs as possible (Joe - Vocals, guitar, trumpet and Jackson-Bass guitar), recording demos on our multi-track recorder and releasing them on YouTube to try and get some feedback. We’re still trying to build up a band, which at the moment is proving quite tricky, but me (Joe) and Jackson, are going to be playing some open mic sessions around London and busking during summer until we get together a proper band together.
What bands/artists are you influenced by?
Fleet foxes (Their harmonies are a massive influence), Stornoway (Nice, beautiful and simple pop songs. Again, a big influence), Elvis Costello, The Low Anthem, Mumford and Sons, Elbow, The Police, Laura Marling, Paolo Nutini, Richard Hawley and much more…
What inspires you when you're writing music?
Well for both of us, the topics we use in our song-writing can be based around a number of things, for example: personal life, issues in the news or just simply a fictional creation of the mind. We like to think outside the box with all of our songs and not write about the obvious.
Where did the name Hunting Jackson come from?
Well we’ve been through a stupid amount of names, before randomly deciding on Hunting Jackson. There’s not that much to it, apart from the fact it contains the bass player’s name.
What's one thing that you'd save in a fire?
Well if we’re talking in terms of possessions and not people, for me (Joe) I’d have to say my dog if a pet counts as a possession and for Jack, his cat.
If you had a chance to collaborate with someone who would it be?
Well a few artists and bands spring to mind, but it would have to be Robin Pecknold, the frontman of the Fleet Foxes. He writes incredible songs and is just an amazing musician. It would be an honor to perform with him.
What are your plans for the future?
Well, to get a proper band and do as many gigs as possible. But in the meanwhile, we are doing open mic sessions and busking. We’d love to progress to small festivals at some point as well.
Well since we are at Glastonbury and Reading festival is coming up i think its only appropriate to do a LookBook segment related to festivals and what you need to bring and wear!
First of all, always make sure you bring a rain coat either packed in your bag, car, or a pocket sized one that unravels because English weather is so unpredictable. Always wear either boots or wellies, trainers soak in the mud too much and by the end of the night you'll feel freezing and cold if its raining, that brings me to my next point! bring a scarf but not a thin scarf make sure its made out of 100% wool or fur otherwise you'll be freezing when it hits 10 o clock, unless its a hot day. You need sun cream, sunglasses and a small bag. Always make sure your bag is placed in front of you! pick pocketers see festivals as great places to steal your belongings, always be alert! and lastly, bring a disposable camera and turn off your mobile, you don't want your battery to die now do you?. If your looking for good tents go to Argos, they may be expensive but i think its worth the money, if you want cheap tents that will probably break down or soak in rain then go to Asda! they sell tents at around 20 pounds. Anyway, have a look at some festival looks that are in trend this summer.
IO is an incredible synth, pop, band that have the ability to make you dance from hearing just 30 seconds of one of their tracks, after listening to a number of their songs we decided that we had to interview these guys, so have a look at what happened below.
So guys how did the band come together?
We basically came together through a mutual appreciation of rhythm, melody and BBQing.
So guys how did the band come together?
We basically came together through a mutual appreciation of rhythm, melody and BBQing.
What artists/bands would you say your band is influenced by?
We have a really varied pool of influences ranging from electronic based artists such as Crystal Castles & M83, guitar bands such as Foals & Friendly Fires, dance/dubby sort of sounds such as Four tet, Burial right through to older hip hop artists such as Big L and Masta Ace. Basically nothing if off limits in terms of us looking at it for something we all like within it.We try to create a sound which comes from a place where all our collective influences meet.
What inspires you when writing music?
The trials and tribulations of everyday life. Turning the grey and mundane into something a little more colourful. That and take away food.
If you had to collaborate with someone who would it be and why?
Probably someone like Thom Yorke, his track record pretty much speaks for itself. Or someone totally different from ourselves, like Kanye West maybe,.
Whats the story behind the bands name?
It comes from our common love of Professor Brian Cox's dulcet tones.
Whats your worst nightmare?
Waking up to a world with no rhythm.
Do you think that the are that you are from influenced your sound?
North Yorkshire is a beautiful place and we all love living here, we like to think naturally the serene open spaces around us make their way into our music.

Well guys i know i promised some photos from the event but the photos i too were really blurred, i'm going to still post them and try and see if i can find some good photographs and videos for you. So as promised i'm going to basically give you my take on the day , carefully illustrated with bad quality photos, this shall be a fun read.
So lets start with MONA shall we.
MONAs set was honestly one of the highlights of the day, they definitively lifted up the crowds spirits after we had been waiting in the rain hours and standing in the mud, luckily as soon as they came on the sun started to shine and the weather was automatically warm.
There were a two other bands/performances on the night such as Paul Weller and another band (i cant remember the name unfortunately but they were really good). Paul Wellers set seemed to drag on, longer than it really needed to. All of his songs sounded the same there was no diversity and everyone seemed to be getting tired and bored , when you hear a crowd of 65000 be completely silent that's when you know something is not right.
The White Lies were good but just like Paul Weller their songs seemed to sound way too similar, they played the usual hits 'bigger than us' , 'Death' & 'Fear Well to the fairground'.
The crowd didn't really seem amused, i could tell that the band were disappointed by the crowds reaction but i think that everyone was just tired from waiting for so long.
I must say that this years event was not as great as last years, everyone was squashed in and there were too many drunken fights, people passing out, bottles of piss being thrown and grown men (probably in their 30s) squashing children and little girls all for one thing, just to be at the front. I think that Hyde Park should not sell alcohol because of people just like that , my bestfriend was in tears during KOL's set because she had got into a fight with a 30 year old (she is 17), luckily, Caleb threw a guitar pick and she caught it otherwise i think we would of left.
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My Best friends On the left hand side |
Kings of leon's set was not as great as i would of liked, they played obvious songs and only played for and hour and a half. Caleb stated half way through that his voice was shot and apologized, i thought that he sounded great. Although they played obvious songs when they payed tribute to Ryan Dunn (during McFearless) i got rather emotional, everything just hit me, i think his death has definitely hit close to home even though i never got to meet him, it just makes you realize how short life really is and that you should appreciate your life and everyone that's in it.
Here are some photos of Kings of leon but its abit fuzzy, as i mentioned before im going to try and find some quality photos but for now CHECK THIS OUT!
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Caleb during fans |
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I decided to take a picture of the crowd |
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Mathew |
Our Video of the Day is a little bit different than usual but i think you'll understand why.

Hey guys! i just wanted to let you guys know that i will not be posting anything special tomorrow because i'm going to be heading out to watch my favorite band play. If you see me at Kings Of Leon's Hyde Park festival tomorrow i will probably be taking a lot of photographs and being semi, wild and crazy (not too crazy though).The only thing that will be posted tomorrow will be the Video of the day and maybe the LookBook's of the day being that it doesn't really take a lot of time to post those segments but on the bright side i will be writing a gig review and posting photos from the event and maybe some videos , it will depend on the quality. Anyway! have a nice day tomorrow and try not to miss me too much haha!
So to embrace the on and off 'Summer Season' I decided that I wanted to give you guys an insight into the summer albums that I like to listen to during this time of the year. Now these albums are not placed in any particular order I think 'Charts' and Top 10's are silly ways to brainwash people into buying records. Everyone has their own personal tastes so Charts are irrelevant because everyone has their own ideas of what decent music is, ANYWAY, enough of the wobbling on.... Here are the top 5 albums of the summer
Pala is a typical 'Friendly Fires' album with incredible rhythmic songs, you can not listen to this album with out getting up and dancing. The album was only released a couple of months ago so go out and purchase it, also their second single for the album is our video of the day.
Come Around Sundown is an album by my favorite band Kings Of Leon, this album is completely underrated. Songs like 'Immortals' , 'Beach' and 'Pick up truck' are songs that will go down in history as the greatest songs on an album. I was a little bit disappointed by the single choices (Radio Active, Back Down South & Pyro) because i don't think that they serve the album justice, they are not the best songs on the album. If you haven't already purchased this record then go out and buy buy buy! It's been like a year now so i'm hoping that you have.

Total Life Forever is an album by another great band the 'Foals', this album was released in 2010. It's funny because the album cover appears to display all the emotions that you feel when you listen to this record , it makes you want to run down to the beach and swim, this is purely an amazing summer album.

Contra is an album by 'Vampire Weekend' it isn't as complex as the other albums but if you play it at full blast during a barbecue it definitely fits the mood, it's a conventional album.

Tourist History was my favorite album last year, every single song on this record was great and that is all i can say.
Only Real is a dub-step/hip-hop inspired artist that provides his listeners with stories and inspirational messages, through his incredible lyrics. After discovering his music on MySpace we thought that he would be the perfect person to interview for our unsigned segment but after listening to one or more of his tracks we decided that his talent should only be showcased through our 'Artist Of The Day' segment.
What are bands/artists are you influenced by?
I think J. Cole is an artist that I am influenced by, I am a huge Hip Hop fan and this is pretty clear through my music.
I’m also influenced by Ska and Dub music, the song YKG has a Buju Banton sample and some Ska style organs.
Did you always want to be a musician?
No, not until I was 15. I actually wanted to be a dolphin feeder, I don’t even know if that really existed (laughs).

If you had to collaborate with an artist who would it be and why?
Kanye ... Holla at ya boy!
Kanye ... Holla at ya boy!
What’s your favourite song that you’ve written?
I would say lemonade is the song where I go in hardest!, the simple beat forced me to give three verses of some of my best lyrics.

Hey Carmen is an amazing four piece band with a unique sound. Some might compare them to a band like ‘Two Door Cinema Club’ but I do not believe that this band can be compared to anything and that is what makes them amazing. Their band consists of four members Joe Wellfair, Rachel Wellfair, Anthony Dodwell and Greg Cavanagh, who all enjoy having fun and it comes across through their music. You can not listen to any of their songs without getting up and dancing, any band that can change a listener’s emotion are examples of great artistic musicians. We have chosen this unsigned band as the band of the week because we believe that they have the talent and the passion to become something great in the future. We were lucky enough to be able to interview the band.
What’s your favorite song that you’ve written?
Joe: At the moment my favourite would be ‘Delicate Thing’ for loads of reasons but mostly because we had so much fun shouting the last chorus in the studio.
Anthony: I like ‘Dance the Plank’ because it’s so catchy and it’s not quite like anything we’ve written before.
Greg: My favourite is one that we haven’t recorded yet, it doesn’t have a name yet but we put it on the set list as ‘Pixie’, a cheeky nod to one of our favourite bands.What bands/artists are you influenced by?
Joe: We love Los Campesinos (possibly where we got the whole boy/girl/ please feel sorry for me thing from) and Arcade Fire. We're also big fans of the Beach Boys. Me and Rachel have spent many late nights in the kitchen of our parents house in Winchcombe singing those gorgeous harmonies to 'Sloop John B' from pet sounds.
What’s the story behind the band’s name?
Joe: One evening we were drinking tea after a band practice and I was rather childishly doodling. I drew a picture of a zebra on an envelope that I found on Greg’s mum’s piano and was so proud of it that I decided to show the rest of the group. Rachel picked up a pen and randomly added a speech bubble with the words ‘Hey Carmen’ and the rest is history.
What are your plans for the future?
Rachel: The immediate future is looking very exciting. We have our very first official EP coming out in the summer and we have our first tour coming up. We just want to carry on making music and play as many gigs as possible. We want to "get ourselves out there!", whatever that may mean! I currently live inMadrid , so we’d like to establish ourselves in some way there too because there’s a great scene for alternative pop music there.
And Lastly, If you could be any animal, What would you be?
Rachel: I’d be a goat because They’re kind of an underdogs in the animal world. I think they’re cool! They eat anything and stomp around and head-butt people. Kind of like myself.
Greg: Penguin or killer whale depending on my mood.
Joe: One evening we were drinking tea after a band practice and I was rather childishly doodling. I drew a picture of a zebra on an envelope that I found on Greg’s mum’s piano and was so proud of it that I decided to show the rest of the group. Rachel picked up a pen and randomly added a speech bubble with the words ‘Hey Carmen’ and the rest is history.
What are your plans for the future?
Rachel: The immediate future is looking very exciting. We have our very first official EP coming out in the summer and we have our first tour coming up. We just want to carry on making music and play as many gigs as possible. We want to "get ourselves out there!", whatever that may mean! I currently live in
And Lastly, If you could be any animal, What would you be?
Rachel: I’d be a goat because They’re kind of an underdogs in the animal world. I think they’re cool! They eat anything and stomp around and head-butt people. Kind of like myself.
Greg: Penguin or killer whale depending on my mood.
Joe: Something that looks cool and can fly. Maybe a Loon or a Goose.
Anthony: I’d be a flamingo because they have a pretty good sense of balance.
Anthony: I’d be a flamingo because they have a pretty good sense of balance.
As some of you might be aware, a few months ago we posted an exclusive clip of Florence and the Machines NEW song Strangeness and Charm. During their performance at Bonnaroo the band performed their new alleged single and might I say it was bloody electrifying!
Yep!, that's right, The most fashionable band of the week is THE HURTS. The incredible 'two man band' from Manchester look like Calvin Klein models with a unique, indie twist. Whenever this band appears on TV their outfits always grab everyone's attention, not in a weird Lady GAGA way, but in way that people are aware that they are constantly fashion forward, with their tailored suits and unique colours.
Pre-order IS TROPICAL's debut album "Native To" on iTunes :
"Native to" - Out June 13th on Kitsuné / Cooperative and June 2nd on Traffic
Michael Kiwanuka, is the first artist to be chosen for our new segment ‘Artist of the week’. The north-London, raised, singer and songwriter won our attention through his soulful voice and vintage, unique sound. Though his music may appear to be simplistic (to some), to us it sounds more like a combination of different musical genres placed together in a subtle way for listeners to understand his message. His voice shares many similarities with the legend, Jimi Hendrix. I think that is a clear representation of why this artist is destined to be successful in the future.
Michael Kiwanuka's EP is out on JUNE the 13th , make sure you go out and purchase it, he is an amazing artist, we are thinking of doing a review on the EP in a couple of weeks so stay tuned!
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