This might seem strange but i really couldn't care less. After watching the VMA'S last night i thought that everyone in the building were extremely awkward with a capital A, apart from Tyler the creator. A lot of people are apparently upset about him winning the award, in my opinion i think the music industry needs someone like him to jazz it the hell up, otherwise it will continue to be an industry that evolves around artists who just sit around and act important all day. CHEER THE HELL UP people ! Did anyone else here the awkward silence during Kevin Harts hilarious speech? all i was thinking was these people are extremely LAME and then to top it off was the ridiculous shots of different artists standing for their friends and then sitting down when people they didn't like were performing , is this high school?... get up, dance, and have a good time, GEESE. I wish these people would get off their own high horses and come down to earth, maybe next time it wont be as lame.