Recently one of our favorite bands have been going through a lot of issues in the USA, after Caleb Followill (the lead singer) lost his voice, if you actually watch the videos from the Dallas show you can tell that his voice is not on point and being that i have been to 4 concerts of theirs, i could tell that he was sick. Well the band cancelled like 29 shows and all of their USA 'fans' are pissed off because they obviously wanted to pay 100 dollars to hear Caleb strain his voice instead of getting a refund. The media has literally had a field day with this story because this is the only bad thing they have on the band, but on twitter the other day Jared Followill (the bassist) shut down all claims that Caleb was being ordered to go to rehab by saying
So to all the people being brainwashed by the media, follow Jared and Nathan on twitter for the actual truth Dumb Dumbs, i was going to name their American fans as 'Idiots of the day' but i realized that most of them are very ignorant, so it's pointless.
@YoungFollowill - Jared
@doctorFollowill - Nathan