Here is the Article from AntiMusic.com
Various websites and media outlets have recently posted or printed pieces that indicate a feature length Jimi Hendrix biographical film is nearing production. Experience Hendrix, LLC, the family-owned company entrusted with safeguard the legacy of Jimi Hendrix and administrator of the Jimi Hendrix music and publishing catalog has made it known many times in the past that no such film, were it to include original music or copyrights created by Jimi Hendrix, can be undertaken without its full participation.
Janie Hendrix, Jimi's sister and CEO of Experience Hendrix, notes that it is the role of Experience Hendrix and only Experience Hendrix to make decisions regarding such projects which it intends to do on its own timetable irrespective of the desires of third parties. She went on to comment, "With Sony Legacy, our partner, we are active in releasing documentary material starring, so to speak, Jimi Hendrix as himself and plan to continue on this path." While Ms. Hendrix and the EH board have not ruled out a "biopic" in the future, producing partners would, out of necessity, have to involved the company from the inception of any such film project.
It seems like his sister couldn't care less about Andre 3000, the rumored person chosen to play Hendrix. I thought it would of been a great film to watch and it would of also broadened the awareness/knowledge of younger generations, i think the ideas that the Hendrix foundation have, seem to have already been done before.. there's been thousands of documentaries about Hendrix, why not try something different..
Would you prefer to see a biopic or a documentary ?